How to Stay on Top of Your 2023 Fitness Goals (and Gym Germs Too!)

You know the're blazing through January with fiery determination to crush your 2023 fitness goals, then February rolls around and your motivation starts to fizzle. Sound familiar? That's because it's completely normal. 

But don't worry, it’s never too late to catch yourself and regain your fitness momentum! Here’s how to achieve your fitness goals and make this YOUR year of lasting change. Plus, if you’re hitting the gym these days, we're sharing a few things that, along with your secret weapon ViroShield, you don't want to be without in your workout bag to help shield yourself from germs. 


When you think about it, choosing physical activity you enjoy was most likely the motivating force for your fitness goal in the first place, so continue to use that theme as you move forward. Perhaps you get pumped by group motivation. Try a class at the gym or join a group challenge on Zoom. Maybe yoga at home is your thing. Or perhaps things like hiking, biking, running, or surfing and other outdoor activities bring you joy. 

And why not try something entirely new and different? It's a great way to discover challenges you might not have been aware of, find a new fitness love, and also mix it up for some extra motivation!


Sticking to a schedule is good, but if you're tied to one set time, place, or type of workout only, what happens when life throws a curveball into the mix? Having a flexible mindset and a variety of fitness options motivates you to keep going, regardless of setbacks. 

For example, let's say something comes up and you can't make it to the gym during your usual time. Can you get a quick run in while your spouse is home with the kiddos instead? Likewise, if you're not hitting a goal you set, like losing 20 lbs by a certain date, it's okay to course correct and set a new date, or even switch to a non-numerical weight loss goal if you're more likely to achieve it. By modifying the original plan, you're staying flexible while still following through. 


Many fitness centers offer classes or group challenges for a good reason. You're more likely to stick to your fitness plan if you have an accountability/workout buddy. Having someone else to enjoy the journey with, ask you about your progress, and encourage you, especially on those days when you're tired and want to ditch out on your workout can be that extra push you need.

And now there’s Zoom Group Workout - a total game changer during the 2020 lockdown when fitness centers were closed, where you can join others live while working on your fitness goals right at home.


Whether it's keeping a calendar of your completed workout goals for the week, tracking your activity with a fitness device or app, or keeping a fitness journal, logging your progress gives you a clearer picture of what you plan to achieve, what you have achieved, and identify any blocks that are holding you back from feeling motivated so you can clear them and maintain your momentum.


Nobody is motivated 100% of the time and aiming for perfection can stop you dead in your tracks. Realistically, you won't meet every goal every time, so use these moments to learn what didn't work and try something different going forward. Be mindful that any step toward progress is ultimately a win, and you'll find yourself winning most of the time!

Once you achieve a goal, if you found that strategy successful, take it with you to build upon in reaching future goals. The key is to prioritize long-term thinking because all the little changes in everyday habits create the big picture results you are aiming for. 


Make sure to congratulate yourself for your hard work along the way, it's motivation to keep going! Maybe it's a less than healthy dinner, or sweet treat after sticking to your workout plan for two weeks straight. Or treating yourself to a movie after a particularly tough night at the gym. It could be anything you want. 

And then save the best for last, when you've successfully achieved your ultimate goal, give yourself a fairly large treat like buying yourself something you really want or a weekend trip with your spouse.


With COVID still around, the last thing you want to put a damper on your fitness momentum is gym germs, and while gyms should be stocked with sprays or wipes it's a good idea to be extra cautious. Luckily ViroShield Hand Sanitizer with 75% alcohol and/or Hand & Surface Cleansing Spray with 70% alcohol and essential oils are easy to toss right in your workout bag for that extra protection and peace of mind you need!

Some other items you'll want to have in your gym bag include disposable wipes, extra clean towels to drape over your shoulder and face masks. And don't forget to bring your own water bottle to avoid using drinking fountains.

Most gyms should have a sink with soap to wash your hands, or a hand sanitizer station to use as soon as you walk in and out the door. Beyond that, experts agree a good rule of thumb when at the gym is wash, spray, wait, wipe, repeat. Meaning, when spraying things from free weights and kettlebells to mats and benches to handles on cardio machines, give it a minute or so to kill germs before wiping, and clean any grime or dust off surfaces first.

And if working out at home is your thing, a quick spritz of ViroShield on things like workout equipment and yoga mats is a great way to keep germs at bay and your space aromatically fresh at the same time. Now go crush those fitness got this!

An important note regarding liquid sprays and workout machines:

We recommend to avoid spraying any liquid solution directly on the surface of electrical machines including cardio equipment, as it can cause damage and be an electrical hazard. Consider using sanitizing wipes or spraying sanitizer on wipes first. Do not use alcohol, bleach, ammonia, and abrasive chemicals, as it can lead to discoloration, cracking and corrosion of equipment over time.